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Mon-Fri 9:00AM - 6:00AM

Management Consultants

Our attention to detail and customised approach allows us to view each client as individuals, understanding their needs, objectives and providing advice on how to achieve their business goals and taking their business forward.

We understand that each business is unique and we offer customized support to suit their exact requirements. And, as their business grows, our staff is there for advice on how they can implement changes to their business structures.

CC&ATM provides the technical knowledge and expertise that is required to maximize the client’s effectiveness and profitability. We believe that consultancy is an important aid to management decision-making, and each situation is treated individually.


Some of our management consultancy services include:

  • Preparation of business studies
  • Budgets and cash flow statements
  • Internal control systems
  • Buying and selling a business
  • Mergers and acquisitions
  • Business start-ups
  • Due diligence reports

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